Take care of our own country!

Nowadays, deforestation is one of the major problems worldwide. It is a fact that forests still cover 30% of the earth’s surface, but wouldn’t this little percentage of trees fade away within a couple of hundred years? Therefore, governments around the world, and especially in Lebanon, should try to prevent deforestation.

Lebanon is a country known for its greenery and is still known for that. However, it has seen a huge loss of its forests to wars, and construction. Statistics have shown that the 30% of trees, plants and bushes that used to enclose Lebanon in all areas, have unfortunately, decreased to 13%, which is less than half the number it used to be. As we all know, nature plays a very important role in our life. For example, trees help us in many ways; they provide oxygen, and help prevent water pollution. Some people in different countries around the world are finding it tiring to find a source of clean, pure water, but fortunately in Lebanon, we still have many sources, as well as pure oxygen. Nevertheless, we don’t have a large amount of trees to endlessly fulfil our needs for oxygen and pure water. That’s why we should try our best to prevent deforestation.

Moreover, forests provide habitats for different kinds of wildlife. For instance, a single tree in a forest houses many organisms, starting from birds all the way to tiny insects such as worms and ants. Hence, destroying forests and cutting down trees results in the demolishing of many habitats, and maybe in the death of many organisms as well. As surplus carbon dioxide is increasing in our atmosphere, it is causing the climate to change. Thus, trees are very important because they absorb the CO2, remove and keep the carbon, while releasing the oxygen only. Furthermore, trees purify the air by taking in any odours and pollutant gases. Again, we should all work against this cause, by planting as many trees as possible.

  In conclusion, we should all try our best to replace any cut or dead trees over the years to prevent deforestation, as trees play a major role in our lives, such as producing oxygen, helping prevent climate change, and providing habitats for many organisms. Finally, isn’t it time to take care of our own country?