الأحد - 08 أيلول 2024
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Growing an Educated Soul

Growing an Educated Soul
Growing an Educated Soul
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You asked me to write about “Together let’s build a nation”. I ask you in return, what is “together”, what is “building” and what is a “nation”?TogetherOf all the definitions of what true love is, my favorite is this one: “Love is not looking in each others’ eyes, but it’s looking together in the same direction”. Togetherness is born from an intense sense of kinship, a common destiny, the yearning for a common goal. Do we, Lebanese, whether we still call Lebanon home or have moved away, do we all still look in the same direction? And even if we do, do we see the same things? Looking and seeing are not always the same thing. Have our remarkable cultural diversities abolished all hope...
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للإطلاع على أخر الأخبار والأحداث اليومية في لبنان والعالم