هل سنستسلم بهذه السهولة؟!
لنا الديري - الصف السّابع
مدرسة الشويفات الدوليّة، الكورة
لبنان بلد جميل ورائع. يتمتّع بالكثير من الآثار وبثروته الحرجيّة الخضراء. وقد تغنّى القدماء بأمجاد هذه الثروة وعظمتها وعظمة نوعيّة الأشجار الذي يتمتّع بها. في لبنان الكثير من الأشجار المختلفة والفريدة من نوعها، وأشهرها أشجار الأرز وإنّها معروفة بقوّة خشبها، ممّا جعلها ثروة تجاريّة عظيمة للّبنانيّين. ولكن ذلك أدّى إلى تدنّي كميّة الغابات والأشجار بشكل واضح وكبير على مرّالعصور. والآن لقد وصلنا إلى هذه المرحلة في هذا البلد، حيث الأشجار أصبحت قليلة والبيوت والبنايات أصبحت كثيرة تملأ كلّ مكان.
في الوقت الحالي، أصبح لبنان أشبه بصحراء، والإنسان أصبح أنانيًّا ولا يفكّر إلّا بالتجارة. أمّا الكسّارات فقد دمّرت هذا البلد القديم والمذهل ودمّرت معظم الأشجار في لبنان لتبني البيوت والبنايات والمحلّات. أمّا المعامل والمصانع وبخاصّة معامل الإسمنت والتّرابة، فقد قضت على الجبال والخضار، وحوّلت أرضنا إلى صحراء جرداء قاحلة. وأكبر دليل على ذلك ما حصل ويحصل في كورتنا الخضراء نتيجة معامل الإسمنت في شكّا. الأمر الذي لا يعلمه الكثير من الناس هو أنّ كل شجرة توفّر حاجة ثلاثة أشخاص من الأكسيجين. ولكنّ السبب الأهم إهمال السّلطات للحفاظ على هذا الجمال، واستبدال بساط من الباطون أو الزفت به، وقد بيّن العلم أنّ الحرارة المرتفعة والصّواعق أيضًا تؤثّر على تدهور البيئة الخضراء.
لا شكّ أنّ الإنسان هو أكبر خطر لتدهور الخضار والجبال في لبنان. أحد هذه الإعتداءات هو قطع الشجر عشوائيًّا وعدم زرع أشجار لتحلّ مكانها. هذه هي المشكلة، حينما يقطع الإنسان الأشجار، ويحوّل هذه المساحة إلى مكان لبناء بيت أو بناية، ولا يزرع هذه الأشجار في مكانٍ آخر، هكذا يبدأ إنخفاض عدد الأشجار في لبنان. وهذا ما يحدث في الزمن الحاضر.
إذا بقينا على هذه الحالة سيصبح لبنان صحراء بلا خضار، ولن يتمكّن أحد من أن يعيش منه، لأنّ الأشجار تعطينا الهواء النّقي لنتنفّس. هكذا سنودّع لبنان، هل سنستسلم بهذه السهولة؟ معظم الناس تريد حلًّا، ولكن ما هو الحلّ؟ الحلّ هو أن نزرع مكان الأشجار المقطوعة أشجارًا أخرى. وأن نحافظ على الأشجار المعمّرة ونمنع قطعها. أمّا الغابات فيجب أن لا ندمّرها لأنّها قطعة من لبنان وترمز لبلادنا.
أحبّ بلدي كثيرًا ويجب أن نساعده بالتحسّن، لذلك أدعو جميع اللّبنانيّين إلى المساهمة في بناء لبنان الجديد، الخالي من التلوّث والأنانيّة والمليء بالأشجار الخضراء والبيئة الخلّابة، علّنا نستطيع أن نُعيد له أمجاده!!
أهمّيّة التّشجير
تعدّ الغابات جزءًا مهمًّا و حيويّا من النّظام البيئيّ الّذي نعيش فيه. فالأشجار هي الرّئة الطّبيعيّة للأرض. رغم أهمّيتها الكبرى، إلّا أنّ الأشجار في العالم تتعرّض لتناقص مستمرّ، و خاصّةً في لبنان. نتيجة الملوّثات الّتي تتسبّب في موتها، أو بسبب جشع الإنسان الّذي يستبدل المنازل و المنشآت الصّناعيّة بالغابات الخضراء.
لذلك، يجب على الإنسان الحفاظ على الغابات و على زراعة المزيد منها. فهي تعدّ مصدراً أساسيّاً لتنقية الهواء و إنتاج الأكسجين، و التّخلّص من ثاني أكسيد الكربون. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعدّ الأشجار مصدرًا مهمًّا من مصادر الطّاقة في الطّبيعة، و الّتي تمنح الأرض منظرًا خلّابًا. و الأهمّيّة الكبرى في الغابات، تكمن باعتبارها مركزًا مهمًّا و بيتًا أساسيًّا للتّنوّع البيئيّ الّذي تعيش فيه الحيوانات و النّباتات و الطّيور.
بناءً على ذلك، يجب على كلّ لبنانيّ أن يزرع، و لو شجرة واحدة في السّنة، قرب منزله، و على الدّولة، و خاصّةً وزارة البيئة، تفعيل تشجير قمم جبال لبنان لتصبح خضراء كما عرفها أسلافنا في قديم الزّمان.
حبيب جوخدار.
الصّفّ السّادس
مدرسة الشّويفات الدّوليّة الكورة
أحبّك لبنان!
أحبك لبنان مع كلّ سيئاتك وحسناتك. أحبّ البحر الأزرق والشاطئ الرمليّ الرّابض على أقدام الجبال العالية الشّامخة كشموخ الأرز الأخضر القديم .
بالرغم من التلوّث البيئيّ الذي يصيب التربة والمياه والهواء, فأنا أحبّ لبناني وأدعو جميع المسؤولين للحفاظ عليه وحمايته من جميع المخاطر التي تحيط به.
أحبّ القرى الصّغيرة, وبيوت الحجر مع القرميد الأحمر, ودوالي العنب التي تغمر الحقول و البساتين المحيطة بالبيت, وزقزقة العصافير, وخرير المياه في السواقي الصغيرة.
أحبّ قلعة بعلبك, وقلعة راشيا, ومغارة جعيتا, و مغارة قاديشا و واديها...
كلّ تلك الآثار والثروات الطبيعية هي نادرة,ويجب
أن نحافظ عليها.
أتمنّى أن يبقى لبنان, تلك القطعة من السّماء, نموذجا لجميع البلدان المحيطة به, ليبقى دائما منارة للشرق, في مجال العلم والمعرفة والحضارة,و البيئة النظيفة....
جودي-كلود يونان
الصّف السّادس
مدرسة الشويفات الدّوليّة –الكورة
Le “vert” pleure !!
La déforestation est le phénomène de régression des surfaces couvertes de forêts. Il est important que les gens préservent leurs pays verts, mais malheureusement, le Liban, un des plus beaux pays du monde, subit une déforestation continue. Cette dernière peut causer des dégâts néfastes à notre écosystème.
Premièrement, la déforestation peut détruire les habitats naturels des animaux dans les forêts Libanais. Elle peut menacer de nombreuses espèces surtout celles qui sont en danger car leurs ressources ne sont plus suffisantes. C’est important de protéger et préserver les forêts.
En plus, la déforestation peut causer une autre conséquence comme l’érosion. Les arbres, jouent un rôle très important comme protéger la dégradation des terres, stabiliser les sols, et maintenir le cycle des nutriments. Un sol dénudé n’a plus la protection nécessaire contre les pluies violentes ce qui favorise le glissement des terrains, et menace ainsi les espaces habites, et donc, la vie de l’homme directement.
Enfin, je souhaite que mon pays, le Liban, sera de nouveau le pays vert dans lequel les gens collaborent avec la ministère de l’agriculture pour achever une bonne reforestation, pour le Liban reste la perle du Moyen Orient !!
Yasmina Joukhadar Grade 7
The International School of Choueifat-Koura
ازرع ولا تقطع !
الشجرة هي رمز لبنان الحبيب، هي جماله وحياته، وهي عنوان استقلاله. فشجرة الأرز التي نفتخر بها اتخذها اللبنانيون شعارًا لوطنهم الحبيب. والأشجار ثروة أنعم الله بها علينا لنتمتّع بها. ففي العصور القديمة استخدم ارز لبنان في بناء السفن والبيوت، ولكن غابات الأرز بدأت تقل شيئا فشيئا، والآن انحسرت غابة الارز بعدما كانت تنتشر في مساحات كبيرة في جبال لبنان.
فعلينا إذا أن نشجع التّشجير، حتى لا تصبح أرض لبنان صحراويّة ، لأن التّشجير يقلل التّلوث في الهواء ، ويلطّف الجوّ ، ويخفض الحرارة صيفا. كذلك يخفف من شدّة الرّياح العاتية، ويعمل كمصدٍّ طبيعيٍ لها؛ كما أنّه يزيد من خصوبة التّربة بشكل طبيعيّ. ثمّ إن الأشجار تشعر النّاس بالسّعادة، وتقلل من الاكتئاب والضّغط النّفسيّ. وتعطينا الشّجرة الدّواء، فبعض أنواع الأشجار المعمّرة التّي تزرع يكون لها صفة علاجيّة. فتصنع منها الأدوّية مثل شجر الصّفصاف. وكذلك تستعمل الأشجار كحواجز طبيعيّة بين المنازل أو الشّوارع داخل المدن والقرى بدلاً من استخدام الحواجز الاسمنتيّة.
إنّ زيادة الرّقعة الخضراء عن طريق التّشجير والمنتزهات العامّة وملاعب الأطفال هي من عمل وزارة الشّؤون البلديّة والقرويّة ممثلة في البلديّات. ولكن يمكن للمواطنين أن يزيدوا من عدد الأشجار، بزرعها أمام منازلهم. كذلك طلاّب المدارس والكشّاف يمكن أن يساهموا في عمليّة التّشجير داخل المدن والمناطق السّكنيّة والأراضي القاحلة والجافة؛ وذلك عن طريق غرس المئات من الشّجيرات الصّغيرة والأغراس ضمن خطة زراعيّة واضحة تتناسب مع المكان جغرافيًّا ومناخيًّا كلّ عام. وعلينا أن نقوم بحملات توعية للمواطنين بعدم قطع الأشجار وحمايتها، فالمواطن الصّالح هو الذي يحبّ وطنه ويحافظ عليه. والمواطن الذي يتعلّم أن يحبّ الشجرة لا يقطعها.
الأشجار في لبنان جعلت منه لوحةً تغنّى بها الكثير من الأدباء والشّعراء. ولقد وهبنا اللّه هذه الثّروة الغنيّة والجميلة. لذلك، يجب علينا أن نحافظ عليها لأننّا إذا قطعنا شجرة هدمنا ثروة لبنان الحبيب ويجب أن يكون شعارنا دائمًا :" ازرع ولا تقطع! " كي يبقى لبنان جنّةَ العالم الخضراء.
أثيلة العرب,الصّف الثّامن الأساسيّ
مدرسة الشّويفات الدّوليّة,فيع,الكورة
Lebanon is Crying
A recent study by an international environmental organization has Labeled Lebanon, as one of the worst countries to live in, as environmental pollution has not only hit the air, but also the ground water, sea water as well as the soil. The number of Cancer patients has reached an all time high, almost eighteen thousand new patients in 2018. This paper will highlight few of the reasons for this pollution, how would these have a negative impact, and what could be a possible solution.
There are several factors that contribute to air pollution. First, the poisonous gases that are released into air by factories without passing through proper filters. Second, the increased number of cars running, without proper yearly maintenance to their engines, contribute a lot to air pollution. Third, The increased number of personal and private electrical generators, without proper monitoring solutions is another cause of air pollution. Adding only these three factors together makes the air in our big cities a dangerous to breath. A few simple steps could be taken to decrease air pollution such as, for instance, privately owned generators. The ministry of environment can enforce laws for operations and maintenance to control the emission of gases by generators, factories and cars. Implementation of heavy fines can be a way to get operators abide by the government rules and regulations.
On the underground water subject, the main contributor to this type of pollution are small factories who don’t manage their waste water. This effluent is simply dumped into nearby places, as operators try to avoid this cost, while on the other hand this waste water is fully contaminated and reaches the underground water, and over a short period of time the country’s reserves of underground water becomes fully contaminated and requires lots of treatment solutions before use. Remember, underground water is used by people and governments for irrigation and for human use, even drinking water, for the majority of the poor.
The sea water contamination is caused by the dumpsters used by our municipalities, where these dumpsters mix with sea water and some dissolve in it, not mentioning the gas emission. It is worth mentioning that seawater is the environment for fish and contamination of it will come back to the human body.
Finally, due to air and water pollution, the soil will become diseased and not considered a good environment for planting and farming. Remember, soil is the foundation of the ecosystem. Bad containers will definitely lead to the destruction of the ecosystem.
I was only born thirteen years ago, and I can still hear my parents and grandparents telling me stories about the beautiful Lebanon that was once a destination for tourists from all over the world. How can this beautiful country change to be on the top lists of polluted countries in less than 40 years, while Lebanon is not even considered to be an industrial country – my guess is WE; but we can still make the change to the better.
Maria El-Ayoubi, Grade 8
The International school of Choueifat – Koura
Take care of our own country!
Nowadays, deforestation is one of the major problems worldwide. It is a fact that forests still cover 30% of the earth’s surface, but wouldn’t this little percentage of trees fade away within a couple of hundred years? Therefore, governments around the world, and especially in Lebanon, should try to prevent deforestation.
Lebanon is a country known for its greenery and is still known for that. However, it has seen a huge loss of its forests to wars, and construction. Statistics have shown that the 30% of trees, plants and bushes that used to enclose Lebanon in all areas, have unfortunately, decreased to 13%, which is less than half the number it used to be. As we all know, nature plays a very important role in our life. For example, trees help us in many ways; they provide oxygen, and help prevent water pollution. Some people in different countries around the world are finding it tiring to find a source of clean, pure water, but fortunately in Lebanon, we still have many sources, as well as pure oxygen. Nevertheless, we don’t have a large amount of trees to endlessly fulfil our needs for oxygen and pure water. That’s why we should try our best to prevent deforestation.
Moreover, forests provide habitats for different kinds of wildlife. For instance, a single tree in a forest houses many organisms, starting from birds all the way to tiny insects such as worms and ants. Hence, destroying forests and cutting down trees results in the demolishing of many habitats, and maybe in the death of many organisms as well. As surplus carbon dioxide is increasing in our atmosphere, it is causing the climate to change. Thus, trees are very important because they absorb the CO2, remove and keep the carbon, while releasing the oxygen only. Furthermore, trees purify the air by taking in any odours and pollutant gases. Again, we should all work against this cause, by planting as many trees as possible.
In conclusion, we should all try our best to replace any cut or dead trees over the years to prevent deforestation, as trees play a major role in our lives, such as producing oxygen, helping prevent climate change, and providing habitats for many organisms. Finally, isn’t it time to take care of our own country?
Lamia Armache Grade 7
The International School of Choueifat – Koura
Problematics of Deforestation
Forests have been animals’ natural habitats for as long as we can remember, and the phenomenon we are faced with nowadays will not only endanger these forests, but also the whole ecosystem which includes plants and animals. This phenomenon is known as deforestation, in which trees and other plants are eradicated and destroyed for urban utilisation of the land. This is a portrayal of what’s happening in Lebanon, since the population is on the rise and new building, compounds, educational centres and factories are being built and employed.
Two common depictions of deforestation are either burning the land or cutting and slashing down trees for the land to become unproductive. As mentioned earlier, this in fact is very harmful to some species since they might go extinct and vanish; plants will be burnt and the food chain that exists between plants, animals and us humans will start to fade. Animals depend on each other and on plants for survival, and without plants and animals, humans will also fail to exist and persist.
Lands are being destructed in big cities such as Beirut and Jbeil due to more inhabitants residing in them, thus more buildings are required to take in all the people. Moreover, people nowadays tend to reside in family oriented, and less crowded municipalities and cities like Al Koura in North Lebanon; therefore, the waning greenery there is also being destroyed. Lands are becoming barren and infertile which in turn increases pollution and global warming.
In my opinion, everyone should be committed to try to reduce deforestation as much as possible by initiating planting campaigns and taking part in them. The first step towards having a healthy ecosystem is balancing deforestation with reforestation. The Government in Lebanon should also set legal rules and regulations regarding cutting trees in order to reduce the rate. Any illegal forest activity must be banned.
Ghinwa Ghazi-Grade 8
More Trees for a Better Life
I believe that we should plant more tress for a better life. For instance, trees provide us with more oxygen, cleaner air, and they reduce erosion. For example, they breathe in carbon dioxide and take out oxygen for the organisms. Also, trees create an ecosystem to provide habitats and food for birds and other animals. For example, birds place their nests in the trees for a shaded place and this protects them from rain and hail. Trees help the environment by providing oxygen, improving the air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. They can produce oxygen using light, water, and carbon dioxide through the process of photsynthesis. Finally, I believe that we should plant more trees because it means a better life for us.
Klara Korek
The International School of Choueifat-Koura
Grade 5
More Trees for a Better Life
I believe that we should plant more tress for a better life. For instance, trees provide us with more oxygen, cleaner air, and they reduce erosion. For example, they breathe in carbon dioxide and take out oxygen for the organisms. Also, trees create an ecosystem to provide habitats and food for birds and other animals. For example, birds place their nests in the trees for a shaded place and this protects them from rain and hail. Trees help the environment by providing oxygen, improving the air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. They can produce oxygen using light, water, and carbon dioxide through the process of photsynthesis. Finally, I believe that we should plant more trees because it means a better life for us.
Klara Korek
The International School of Choueifat-Koura
The Importance of Planting Trees
It is a very well-known fact that trees are essential to humans, animals, and to all of our planet. I believe that planting trees is important because they provide oxygen and nitrogen, which most living creatures need. Trees are also home to many animals such as birds and squirrels. Furthermore, it is important to plant all kinds of plants, and not only trees, as their roots keep soil in its place sturdily and prevent it from becoming loose. Imagine how awful and terribly dangerous windstorms would be if there weren’t any trees to tighten the soil! By planting trees, we are preserving nature and there will be more fruits growing. Having more fruits will decrease starvation and increase healthier options. Trees are exquisite things, and you will be dumbfounded when you hear how many trees are being cut worldwide. And so I plead, for our planet’s sake, to save the trees. A world without trees - or with only a few - is like a sailor without a ship, or a worker without any tools.
In other words, we need trees, and deforestation will lead to trees depletion. This had been proven by famous and accomplished scientists through many researches over the past decade. To crown it all, the less trees there are, the less oxygen and fruits. Think of all the innocent animals losing their homes. Plant trees for all of our present and future well-being!
Rabih Saad - Grade 6
The International School Of Choueifat- Koura
Lebanese Deforestation
Lebanon is famously known for the presence of a very special kind of tree, the cedar tree. Many years ago, they started cutting down trees to trade them with other countries in exchange for other goods. Cedar wood is notably known for its excellent properties, so many people are in dire need of it, whether it is for building or for the fireplace. Lebanese citizens took advantage of their enriched land with this type of tree. Hence, they started cutting it down for their personal uses. However, they took it for granted and didn’t know that they are actually causing harm to many things, not just the risk of causing the Cedar trees to extinct, or the ruin of animal houses, but also ruining the beauty of Lebanon.
If you go now to the Cedars, north of Lebanon, where all the Cedar trees are planted, the first thing you’re going to see are trees. Not just any type of tree, but the Cedars. When you go further and further, you’re going to see a terrain of bare earth. The territory hasn’t gotten a single tree on its land. However, this wasn’t always like that; it was once filled with green cedars. Since Lebanese citizens have been cutting them down ever since they found out that the Cedar wood is really useful, this land has been cleared out completely. There are so many reasons for their cutting the trees; one of them, as stated above, is because of the helpful properties of its wood, and for the citizens to practice a famously known sport in the winter, which is skiing.
Cedar woods are known for their properties. They are renowned for their strength and their resistance to rot and insects, and many more. Because of these really suitable properties, many people desire it for construction, firewood, etc. However, one of the unfortunate properties of the trees is the fact that it takes a long time to grow again. People’s cravings for the wood have caused a depletion of these trees in Lebanon. Hence, people should know their limits and stop this behavior, which is causing damage to many things especially the beauty of their country.
To conclude, Cedar wood is very important to Lebanese citizens and to Lebanon itself. The Lebanese nation should prevent the cutting down of Cedar trees because of their personal uses, and should start thinking about their country and its beauty by planting new seeds.
Chloe Haddad, grade 7A
The International School of Choueifat- Koura
كذلك شارك عدد من التلامذة في رسوم رائعة:
DESSIN 1 Joseph Toubia - Grade 4
2 Elena Frangieh - Grade 6
3 Majd Shreif – Grade 5
4 Celine Kassem - Grade 6
5 Lena Antoun – Grade 7
6 Joseph toubia – grade 6