

Lebanon’s Agony, A nation in turmoil
The world cannot stay silent any longer
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Being an expat is a hard task on anyone, but in the midst of whats happening, being a lebanese expat is heartbreaking. Having to watch your beloved country in ruins from an outsider’s eye. Constantly worrying about your family and friends. Lebanon has suffered so much and every time, the country and its people get back up on their feet and hope for a better future. But for how long? How many times will it fall and get back up again? The Arab world has seen and suffered more than enough of israel’s terrorism, their atrocities have no bounds and their excuses are pathetic. The’re the enemy and they are ruthless. Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and more have fallen victim to the horrific acts of israel, a force only as strong as its puppeteers. The children of tomorrow should not know such evil and pain and the ones responsible for all the lives lost have got to be condemned. The world cannot stay silent any longer.
الكلمات الدالة
war ،

الأكثر قراءة

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